
TDBS: Dare to Lead” Podcast Host Brené Brown on Combatting Zoom Fatigue and More!

Dare to Lead” Podcast Host Brené Brown on Combatting Zoom Fatigue and More!





Brené Brown on Drew’s Past Approach to Love, ‘You’re Going to Leave, This Isn’t Going to Last Anyway.’

Drew: I think some people lack the ability to say, ‘I need.’ Some people can jump to criticism. I can recognize and identify from patterns that I come from a world where everybody did kind of leave, so I used to approach love like, ‘You’re going to leave, this isn’t going to last anyway.’ And then I would retreat and spiral. I almost wonder if anybody is watching, what would you say to those people who have had a bad blueprint, where those people can’t look at their spouse and say, ‘I believe we are going to make it through anything.’

Brené: I’m not sure that I’ve ever been asked a more important question to be honest with you. It’s a really important question and I’m going to answer it just with my whole heart and say you need a therapist. Especially right now because I think what we are going to see as we come out of the quarantine and the pandemic, we are going to see a mental health pandemic.

Brené Brown on Combatting Zoom Fatigue, “I’ve Started Making Walking Dates with My Friends.”

Drew: One thing that I feel is the biggest void in my life is my girlfriends and these extraordinary conversations. They were there before my kids were there, they’ve been there for every relationship I’ve been in and out of throughout my life. They are this consistent constant and I am barely connected with any of them right now. I have complete Zoom fatigue. What can people do to connect right now that isn’t tech?

Brené: I think one of the things that I’ve found right now for me personally is I’ve just started picking up the phone….I really do believe one of the ways we manage the anxiety of what is happening right now in the world is moving our bodies so what I do is I’ve started making walking dates with my friends and say, ‘I’ll call at 5:00PM let’s walk together for 40 minutes.’…I think phone is more intimate than Zoom….You know how we are with screen time with our kids right? Don’t forget that Zoom is screen time.


Jessica Liik

VP of Communications

The Drew Barrymore Show

Cell: 551-486-2761