
The Drew Barrymore Show: “The Room Next Door” Star Julianne Moore

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“The Room Next Door” Star Julianne Moore  

Air Date: Wednesday, January 8th  

Must Include Tune In


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Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean

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Julianne Moore on Working with Marisa Tomei on “As the World Turns”
Drew: Were you on that show with Marisa Tomei?

Julianne: Yes she played my best friend Marcy. I love her.

Drew: What I mean, do you guys remember, like, you know, what your thoughts and dreams were because you both won Academy Awards since then, by the way.

Julianne: She was here in my, I remember my very first day. It's so scary because you're kind of just thrown into it. I was very young. I didn't know where to go, what to do, and I got in the elevator. There's this big building and right here and I, yeah, right here in this building, and I was just kind of standing there and she goes, OK, look, L right there L, that's for lunch.

That's where the cafeteria is. I was like, thank you, but she was, she was amazing and so helpful and so friendly and so cool.


Juliane Moore on Her New Movie with Tilda Swinton & Lifelong Friendships
Drew: I think female friendship has been the thing that probably anchored my life the most.

Most of my friends I've had for 30 and 40 years are gonna be 50, so it's like my whole life I've known these people. I love that they, I trust them implicitly. They're very honest with me, and I know that they've seen where I've been and where I'm going and I just, I feel like not having had traditional family, everything is possible through my female friendships.

Julianne: And they want the best for you.

Drew: And get you through heartbreak so much easier. Every time I've ever been dumped, my first phone call is my girlfriend's. They make it so much better.

Julianne: Yeah, and they're what's interesting in this movie too is that they're old friends. They were friends in their twenties and they haven't seen each other in a long time and I hear that that Tilda's characters in the hospitals I go to visit her. I'm just like my, my character Ingrid is the kind of person who shows up you, know how you don't know who's gonna show up for you when you're in a crisis and sometimes it's really surprising who shows up and so my character does that and then she stays and in the course of that relationship they kind of kindle this thing that they had in their twenties and then Tilda and I actually built a relationship in real life which was awesome.

Drew: Did you guys know each other beforehand or was this the electric connection that you picked up right here.

Julianne: And she, you know, she and I are the same age. We have kids that are around the same age. We've had relatively similar careers, both have red hair and we've seen each other like at, you know, at film festivals and doing press in hotels but never knew each other and in the process of doing this, of spending time together and doing that. Stuff you do with your girlfriend saying like you know how old are your kids and where do you live and what do you like to do and what you have for lunch and no you're not crazy and all that kind of stuff you, built we formed a real connection and we became friends.

Drew: It's so palpable the chemistry you have and I just was on this journey and the film ended and I was like I am so much better for having seen this beautiful piece of art that is also so about the human experience.


Julianne Plays Behind-The-Scenes and Reveals She Was Pregnant For the First Time and Sick While Filming “The Big Lebowski”
Drew: ‘The Big Lebowski’ okay.

Julianne: Can I tell you I was pregnant with my son. The first time I was pregnant. I was so sick that day. I was so nauseous. I could barely move and that dress was really solid and made from Styrofoam, and I was always like, oh, every time I moved like, oh, you know, all of this, and I was just unbelievably sick and. I couldn't tell anyone I was pregnant because I didn't want them to know but yeah but that was, Jeff is such an extraordinary person he's so funny, so generous he I couldn't look him in the eye without laughing. I'd have to look at his mouth while he was acting because if I saw his eyes I'd start to laugh or I'd look just beyond him or something.

Drew: Oh, that's so smart to stop laughing. I'm gonna apply that trick the next time.

Julianne: Look at someone like that, you know, so you're not looking at their face.

Drew: That is the last outfit you want to be in pregnant.

Julianne: Just awful.