The Drew Barrymore Show: “Back in Action” Star Glenn Close “One of Them Days” Star and Lana Singer Sza
“Back in Action” Star Glenn Close
“One of Them Days” Star and Lana Singer Sza
Air Date: Monday, January 13th
Must Include Tune In
Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean
Drew & Glenn on Dating After Divorce
Drew: Have you approached a relationship since divorce? Me neither.
Glenn: No, I don't know. I mean, I'm always up for anything, but I'm very happy right now.
Drew: Did you ever try the apps?
Glenn: Are you crazy?
Drew: I did.
Glenn: No, I'm too shy to do that.
Drew: Oh, I got so into it. I thought it was so much fun and the search is different.
Glenn: Hm. I'm not searching. Because I'm actually, I, I'm not a hugely comfortably social person, so I don't leap to go to a party.
Drew: Me neither, not anymore.
Glenn: So my, yeah, I'm, OK.
Glenn Close on Walking Around New York in the Infamous White Dress From “Fatal Attraction”
Glenn: I have to tell a funny story about that white dress. So I was in the middle of shooting.
I had a little dog, not Pipy. I had another little dog at the time and I had to walk her. I had blood in my hair. I had also all these spots and, you know, things all over my. I looked scary, like I'd been badly attacked, right? And these 3 girls came towards me and I, and they went. And I thought, oh my God, I, I forgot what I look like. What, what I, what am I gonna say to them?
And they got closer and closer and they, and they said, what a cute little dog.
Drew: Didn't even notice. It's New York City.
Glenn on Creating Her Character in “Fatal Attraction” & What the Original Ending Was
Drew: How in the hell did you create one of the most important iconic craziest characters ever in the cinema history?
Glenn: I did a lot of research with psychiatrist for her and it was, and of course there was an original ending that didn't end up in the original film. I mean the film. The original ending.
You knew that she loved Madam Butterfly. You saw her at the opera with an empty seat next to her, seeing when Madam Butterfly kills herself with a knife, and then in the original ending they have that terrible fight his, and then she takes that same knife and as Madam Butterfly is playing, she, she cuts her throat and she dies. I have the knife, by the way.
Drew: Did they shoot that scene?
Glenn: They did shoot that scene.
Drew: You filmed that scene.
Glenn: Yes and when they tested it, the audience hated her so much for, you know, coming between that perfect little family even though he, you know, cheated on his beautiful wife , that they felt she needed to be punished even more, so they came back and they told me that they're gonna reshoot it and the research that I'd done, this is a woman who had been molested by her father, she was, she would have done herself in before she would have killed.
She was not a psychopath. So when they came back to me and said, no, no, no, she's gonna attack the wife and you're gonna, and I said I won't do it. I went dude that's not who that woman is. So it was in a meeting with Adrian, the director and the producer and Michael, who I love and I was saying. What if it was you? What if it was your character? What did you do?
What did you do? You know, I was so furious, and he said, ‘Hey babe, I'm a whore.’
Drew: I just go where I need to and do what I need to.
Glenn: So, you know, I called one of my great friends at the time and, and he said, you've made your point, now you've got to go with the team.
Sza on Naming a Song After Drew and the Inspiration Behind It
Drew: I was so excited when I heard the song with my name in the title.
Sza: It was inspired by you. It wasn't just title after you the energy that you carry even my outfit is inspired by the way you've made me feel my entire life, like the carefree, the, the understanding like when you, you don't understand, OK, so I wrote you this letter that I never sent you, but it talked about how I guess you know when you're younger and you're a black woman there's not a lot of examples all the time and one of the few lovely white women that I looked up to so much on television it was you because you were so yourself you were quirky, your smile wasn't perfect. I have like a slight speech impediment and people laugh all the time you're like what is this a saying? And it's like a running joke, but it's like I love the way you talk and like just all the the you-ness of you, your laugh, your laugh, even in the movies and and in real life it was, it's very much. It just reminds me of all the things about myself that make me nervous, but on you it shines so brightly you gave me permission to like be myself and feel like this is so cool and so not whatever like I just love it all your old photo shoots I looked them up like I just, you just, you've always been pinnacle to me. I love you. I love you. You're so special and every time it rains, it's like dance the rain, sing in the rain.
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