The Drew Barrymore Show: Drew Surprises “Wicked” Star Ariana Grande With the Original Glinda Wand From “The Wizard of Oz”
Drew Surprises “Wicked” Star Ariana Grande
With the Original Glinda Wand From “The Wizard of Oz”
Air Date: Thursday, December 5th
Must Include Tune In
Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean
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Drew Surprises Ariana Grande with Glinda’s Wand from “The Wizard of Oz”
Drew: I have something that's extremely exciting and special. It's actually, it was owned by the Smithsonian and now it's owned in private hands. But for the purposes of our sit down, they loaned it to us. Bring out the original Glinda wand, please.
Ariana: Are you serious right now? Thank you guys it's been fun. Yeah, I'm kidding. I’m kidding.
Drew: You look so perfect with it.
Ariana: How did you even, how did you pull this off? Oh my God did you break-in?
Drew: I have to give credit to everyone on the show because literally we were so excited about you coming here. We were like, ‘Okay, let's get the wand, let's get Nonna,’ and all the producers. That is the original wand from ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ So there you go.
Ariana: Oh my God.
Jessica Liik -
Samantha Gaudio