
The Drew Barrymore Show: Henry Winkler Plays a Round of Fast Five With Drew Dressed as The Fonz

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Henry Winkler Plays a Round of Fast Five

With Drew Dressed as The Fonz

Air Date: Friday, October 25th

Must Include Tune In


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Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean

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Drew Barrymore Dressed as “The Fonz” Plays a Round of Fast Five with Henry Winkler

Drew: Hey Henry. It's the fonz here and I'm here to ask you a few questions for the fast five.

What would Arthur Fonzarelli be up to in 2024?

Henry: All right. Good question, what would he be up to? He would own, he would own a franchise of garages. That's what I'm thinking.

Drew: Next question. What should men know about how to treat a lady?

Henry: Oh, how to treat a lady? Ok. Here it is. This, I know for sure. Do not snap your fingers at a woman. It worked on TV, but they will break your fingers. No, that is not great.

Drew: Do you have anything left of the fonz, any paraphernalia?

Henry: I have a jacket. They built me five and they, we ripped out the lining of one of the jackets in order to go water skiing in order to jump to shark. So I got, I got two jackets and one of them I, I had auctioned off and one of them I still have.

Drew: Well, that's funny you would bring that up because the fonz has the next question. When fonzie jumped the shark, did you know it?

Henry: No, nor did I care because we were number one for many years after that. And you know, at that time there were newspapers, people read newspapers and they would, every time they mentioned jump the shark, they had a picture of me water skiing. And at that time I had great legs.

Drew: I'm sure you still do. The legs don't change that much. Turn on the jukebox if you will, in your signature fonzie style.

Henry: You want me to turn, you want me to turn on that juke box.

Drew: Only if you would.

Henry: I just did this on the, on the Emmys. I had 45 seconds with Ron Howard and we were in Arnold's. They built this Arnold's and it was we, they wrote us this little bit. 50 years later.

It was 50 years ago. And then all of a sudden he said you can do it, Henry and 50 years of chemistry shot back into the room like it was yesterday. I just want to say that. All right, you're gonna help me.