

The Fastest-Growing Show in Daytime!




Air Date: Wednesday, February 1st  

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Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean

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Gabrielle Union on “Truth Be Told” Being A Different Show For Her To Film and Crying for Months While Filming It

Drew: Is it true that this show felt different for you?

Gabrielle: I’m not a good crier at all. I’m not generally that close to my emotions, my negative emotions if you will. This show, not only was I crying all day on set, I would go home and cry. My husband was shocked because he’s never seen me crumbling like that. Every night for five months. But it wasn’t hard to cry, partly because at nineteen I was raped at gunpoint at my after school job, and even though I was raped at gunpoint by a stranger at work I was still asked what I had on. And when you realize that folks will make you complicit in your own abuse and trauma, no matter the circumstances and that people will legitimately care less about your life if you have too much melanin, that makes it easy to cry. But when I think about, it happened one time, and what these folks are experiencing with human trafficking, sexual trafficking, my trauma, my horror the worst experience of my life is happening multiple times a day, every day. And part of the challenge is like what can we do? We can make sure we have enough tears for all of our girls, all of our boys, that we raise our voices in our communities when anyone goes missing. So when you see a headlines like, ‘Juvenile prostitute,’ you can call into your newspaper or media outlets and say, ‘Juveniles mean children and children cannot consent to sex work. Children are victims.’ We can demand better.


Drew and Gabrielle on Surfing Zillow & Gabrielle on What Berber Carpets Mean to Her & Dwayne Wade

Drew: I like to surf Zillow at night.

Gabrielle: Who doesn’t.

Drew: I did have a date the other night where I surfed Zillow with the date. That was like woah.

Gabrielle: Wait so were there like dealbreakers? Was he like, ‘I love Berber carpet’ and you were like…

Drew: By the way you’re right, Berber is very divisive.

Gabrielle: My husband loved carpet. He loved it in a way that was like, ‘Help me understand your love of carpet.’ And he was like, ‘Growing up, if you have carpet you were rich,’ and I was like, ‘Wow same,’ and then we thought we both loved carpet and then we discovered the mold issues and of all that. But in his closet is the only bit of carpet in our house, and sometimes after a cocktail or six, we go in there and we lie down on the Berber carpet.

Drew: Would you call that a shag on a shag?


Drew’s News: Drew on Spice Girls Biopic

Drew: If we will it into the universe, because could you imagine. Like I’m gonna hang out with four young girls this weekend because my daughters both have sleepovers and it’s me in the minivan with four young girls, it’s how I choose to spend my time, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done with my life, and if we could go to a Spice Girls movie this weekend I would just be so thrilled.

Ross: I just want to know most importantly who’s gonna play be in the movie because Spice Girls was my first concert, I dyed my hair to match Ginger Spice’s when I went to go see ‘Spice World’ the Spice Girls movie do you remember?

Drew: Yes. Maybe we’ll watch that this weekend.

Ross: I honestly couldn’t think of anything more fun than being in a minivan with you and your daughters with Spice Girls on.

Drew: Well fun fact, Victoria Beckham, she’s actually asking me to be on the invitation of her Paris fashion show, so maybe I am a little Spice Girls adjacent.