



AIR DATE: Monday April 25, 2022





Rosie Perez on "White Men Can't Jump" Oscars Reunion with Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson

Drew:..And then how long ago was ‘White Men Can’t Jump’ one of the greatest films ever made, I was so excited to see that reunion, I still say in my head almost on a daily basis, ‘Foods that start with the letter Q.’ I still, I don’t know why but that is always in my head.

Rosie: It was 30 years…yeah and it was so good to see them, because I had not seen Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes for maybe seven years. Because we’re still friends, but you know our lives get busy and everything like that. So, when I saw them the first day, it was the day before the event, it was just like old times, and we were just kidding and laughing around and then the night of the Oscars I saw Wesley’s outfit, which was fabulously ridiculous, and I said, ‘What do you think Woody’s gonna wear?’ and he goes, ‘He’s gonna look like a hot mess.’ And I said, ‘No’ and then Woody walks in and Wesley and I just started cracking up and Woody goes, ‘What’s the joke?’ and then Wesley said, ‘Nothing, you just look like an undertaker at the Oscars, but you’re good, you’re good.’ Yeah, cause the suit did not fit him well, I’m sorry to say. I love you, I love you Woody but…

Drew: I love it. I mean you in that film, boy did you just show everybody how invaluable the woman is? It’s like you were the biggest force in that movie and that changes things, it really does, it’s important when somebody is that dynamic and the film would just fall apart without them. It’s like, oh you’re so good in that movie. You were such a revelation.


Rosie on Having a New Kitchen Over An Engagement Ring

Drew: On another note you and your husband were going to get engaged and there is a story about the ring?

Rosie: Yes, it was after Hurricane Sandy. He was stuck in the studio, he’s a painter and artist and graphic designer. So I kept telling him to come home and by the time it was too late. So I didn’t know what was happening to him and he didn’t know what was happening to me. The next morning he comes home and we are in the backyard in our pajamas and he just started crying and I’m like, ‘Babe I am okay.’ And he goes, ‘No.’ And he got on his knees and I go, ‘Oh my God,’ and he proposed to me. And he goes, ‘Could you say yes? My knees are killing me.’ And I said, ‘Yes, yes, yes.’ And he goes, ‘Okay I don’t have a ring.’ And I said, ‘Okay, how much were you going to spend on it?’ And he says, ‘That’s rude.’ I said, ‘I am just asking how much you were going to spend on it?’ And he told me the amount and I go, ‘Okay, I’d rather have a new kitchen.’

Drew: Again I have to high five you. I love that.


Rosie Perez Admits She Was a "Strong" Bad Kisser and Practiced Giving Hickeys on Her Arm

Drew: There’s also one other story I have to ask you about something about strong kissing?

Rosie: Oh that’s so embarrassing.

Drew:  I love it. Please tell me.

Rosie: When I was younger, the boys didn’t look at me until these came. So I used to practice hickeys on my arm, just in case. You got to be ready.

Drew: I love hickeys. I love a hickey so much. I hope my hickey days are not over. The not getting caught, the knowing it’s there. The moment you know it’s going too far, that’s going to leave a mark. It’s so fun.

Rosie: That’s weird. So I used to watch, I love classic movies…You know how they kiss is like, and they go in. So when I kissed my first guy I went in hard. He didn’t say anything, he went with it. So every boy after that I would smother him and be really forceful and really hard and then this one guy who I really, really liked. He went, ‘Rose, Rose, Rose, calm down. You are kissing like you are in a movie. That’s not the way it’s done. It’s soft.’…And he kissed me softly and I went, ‘Wow,’ never kissed hard again.


Pamela Adlon's Mom's Real-Life Wacky Stories Inspired Five Seasons of "Better Things"

Drew: Why, because you are the mother of three daughters, how did you look at your life through a lens of, ‘I could tell the story of this?’

Pamela: I think it was when my mother was driving me crazy, which was always, and she’d just be telling stories or whatever, and I found myself like, I finally looked at my mother one day and I just went, ‘Oh she’s funny. This is funny.’ And, so if you change the perspective of how you receive the information, and I have this saying which is, ‘Bad for my life, good for my show.’

Drew: Oh my god that is, a whoa. I just appreciate how you can bring heart and humor and keep it real for all of us moms out there who are so hard on ourselves already as if we needed more pressure, so thank you for doing that.

Pamela: That’s really sweet. I really appreciate that.

Drew:..I want nothing more in this world than to keep it real but keep aspirations high. We all gotta aspire.