Over 3 million people tuned into The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Monday night – making it the #1 cable show in extended prime and #1 in late night across broadcast and cable – inclusive of simulcast
Photo: here (Credit: Matt Wilson/Comedy Central’s The Daily Show)
February 19, 2024 (New York, NY) - Jon Stewart’s February 12th return to Comedy Central’s The Daily Show brought in over 3 million total viewers (3.06M) across the night on Live +3, including simulcasts and encore
Jon Stewart’s February 12th return to The Daily Show brought in over 3 million total viewers (3.06M) across the night on Live +3, including simulcasts and encore.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central alone was #1 across all cable (originals and encores) at 11p with Adults and People. Scored triple-digit growth vs Trevor’s final show:
P18-49 – up +116% with 374K people
P25-54 – up +129% with 498K people
P2+ – up +129% with 1.65M people
Biggest premiere audience since August 2017
In addition, Comedy Central’s airing of The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart was the #1 News program in cable across Extended Prime from 8pm-12am, among P18-49 and P25-54, besting:
Fox News (Watters, Hannity & Gutfeld)
MSNBC (Psaki, Maddow, O’Donnell & Ruhle)
CNN (Cooper, Collins & Coates)
And, next day on Paramount+, TDS w/Jon Stewart boasted big gains:
Most watched TDS telecast ever on P+ (based on active sub hhs)
Most streamed week for The Daily Show ever on P+ (based on active sub hhs & hours)
Source: Nielsen; L3/P2+ total viewer impressions; Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart- 11p on 2/12/24; 3M premiere night simulcast (gross 000s) on CMDY, MTV, PAR, TVL, CMT, POP, MTV2, LOGO, CMDY encore (1:30a); Trevor’s final ep on 12/8/22, most watched ep since 8/29/17; Extended Prime = 8p-12a, Late Night = 11p-3a; Adult demos = P18-49, P25-54. Streaming- Paramount+ Internal BI Metrics; based on Active Sub HHs and Hours; P+ launch on 3/4/21; O&O and Channel Partners.
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