
Jerry O'Connell Reacts to Twin Daughters Preferring Time with Wife, Rebecca Romijn

Video Name
The Talk
Jerry O'Connell Reacts to Twin Daughters Preferring Time with Wife, Rebecca Romijn
Video Name
The Talk
Jerry O'Connell Reacts to Twin Daughters Preferring Time with Wife, Rebecca Romijn

"The Talk" host Jerry O'Connell reacts to wife Rebecca Romijn saying their twin daughters want her there all the time. O'Connell admits, "I have a different relationship with my kids than my wife does. My kids like being with my wife and they don't like being with me. They enjoy her company, and they don't enjoy my company. No, you know what, I think it's like, my kids are currently 15 and I think there are a lot of emotions there. They have been treating me a little rudely as of late, but a good buddy of mine did tell me that they're rude to me because they trust you the most and they're going through a very emotional time and you're like the only one they can really like [go to]." O'Connell goes on to joke, "Nobody messes with my wife, Scorpio, stingers up!"